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Divine Dreams Reveal Our Blind Spots


Divine dreams come in many forms. The main objective of any of these kinds of dreams is to reveal something in the supernatural that we wouldn’t have otherwise recognized in the natural world. Things aren’t always as they appear. Even in literal dreams. We can see more with our eyes closed than we can with our eyes open. Divine dreams reveal the spirit of truth, and often people are blinded from the truth in waking life because divine dreams are God’s vision, not of our own natural sight. Sight has nothing to do with vision. It’s no wonder that even without natural sight, blind people still experience visions and dreams. Sight is not more powerful than vision. Sacred vision from God always supersedes temporary sight. The purpose of these types of dreams is to reveal our blind spots. Here we will take a closer look at two dream types that are designed to give us deeper insight into our prophetic dreams.

Let’s examine the irony of how God waits until we are asleep to give us crucial messages opposed to when we are wide awake in order to get our attention. If it wasn’t significant, He wouldn't speak to us through His dream language in this spiritual state of subconsciousness to change the way we think about something or prepare us for something He wants to brace us for. At times our intellect can hinder us from seeing things the way God wants us to view a situation, because we tend to view spiritual matters from an analytical point of view. When someone sees something of the supernatural, they generally try to define it rationally. Things in the spiritual realm cannot be defined in the mind.

Warning Dreams are one of the main types of dreams that reveal things that we tend to miss, overlook, avoid or hide from. They can be the most overwhelming or difficult to process spiritually and emotionally because they contain traumatizing circumstances and matters of the heart that prove to be life altering. People are quick to dismiss warning dreams because they tend to expose the cold harsh truth about something we don’t want to face or deal with.

We have a natural fear of the unknown. Remember, that God cares enough about us to give us a heads up to prepare us emotionally or position us for something that has the potential to emotionally, spiritually, psychologically or physically dismantle us. This is why God reminds us in His word that He is with us and in control regardless of what happens because He is always ahead of us. He forewarns us so that we will be forearmed.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Oftentimes, people complain and think God has not answered their questions, prayers or brought resolution to their situations. He speaks to us all the time. We just fail to perceive the messages through dreams and visions that He sends us. Dreams frequently unveil the blind spots with answers and outcomes contained in our dream scenarios.

13“Why do you contend against Him? For He does not give account of any of His actions. [Sufficient for us it should be to know that it is He Who does them.]

14 For God [does reveal His will; He] speaks not only once, but more than once, even though men do not regard it [including you, Job].

15 [One may hear God’s voice] in a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men while slumbering upon the bed…” Job 33:13-15 AMPC

If more of us were in a habit of seeking God and embracing His messages for divine guidance and truth, we’d be closer to understanding the validity of our dreams. The key is to recognize when our dreams are in fact divine and a significant component to our purpose and destiny.

Recurring Dreams is when God utilizes repetition to reveal His will and our destiny in our dreams and allows us to experience them repeatedly to establish confirmation of God’s decision that it will manifest.

“And for that, the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.” Genesis 41:32 KJV

These types of divine dreams emphasize and highlight specific dream symbols to expose the dreamer’s blindspots. God’s word shares several instances where the Lord speaks through dreams repetitively to reveal His will, the truth, warnings, hope or corrections as stated in the book of Job.

16 Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction [terrifying them with warnings],

17 That He may withdraw man from his purpose and cut off pride from him [disgusting him with his own disappointing self-sufficiency].

18 He holds him back from the pit [of destruction], and his life from perishing by the sword [of God’s destructive judgments].

19 [God’s voice may be heard by man w hen] he is chastened with pain upon his bed and with continual strife in his bones or while all his bones are firmly set, Job 33: 16-19 AMPC

It’s as though God is reaffirming and establishing that specific circumstances will take place in time by showing us the same scenarios repeatedly. He uses recurring dreams to call our attention to blind spots in our lives and others' lives. He wants us to hear Him, so He repeats these situations through His dream language which require our attention to make us yield to Him, and stop us in our tracks, like when someone repeatedly calls your name until you answer. Answering to God is the conversation and communication we engage in when we pray, intercede or meditate in order to ask Him for clarity and understanding and guidance. This is a great segue to three crucial Action Items that bear repeating… praying, listening and obeying.

God wants us to not only talk to Him, but listen and obey Him as well. This is why He speaks to us through pictures and audible images. People hear with their eyes. These action items go hand in hand because prayer is a dialogue between you and the Lord that prompts you to learn how to hear God through your dreams. These are key components to gaining a deeper understanding of what His messages mean to us and how we need to watch, listen and pray for divine direction and instruction.

Numbers 23:19 KJV reminds us, “ God is not a man that He should lie”. So keep this in mind as you stand in faith when reflecting on what God has shown you in your dreams over time because some dreams take many seasons to manifest. Waiting on God is an act of faith that requires trust in Him.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of [a]witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us,...”Hebrews 12:1 AMP

In other words, we can wait on the Holy Spirit to provide dream revelation directly or through spiritual counsel while we obey Him and remove any sin, entanglement, weight and blockage in our lives to uncover our blind spots that could easily hinder, distract and derail us by preventing us from receiving discernment of His prophetic messages of truth through our divine dreams and visions.

We are all on a journey with a purposeful destination. God is in control and in the driver’s seat. He is our navigation. So let’s stay focused and acknowledge God's presence in our dreams, visions and lives as He continues to direct our paths and expose our blind spots!

-Prophetess Sasha Elycia



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